Over the last couple of weeks I have been using Lightroom 4.0 beta from Adobe. There are many new features to like in this beta. One that has been particularly interesting to me is the new Book tab. Adobe has partnered with Blurb for book creation who produces really nice books. I have used Blurb in the past and I have been really pleased with the quality of the books. I don’t create books as much as I like to because the jumping back and forth between Lightroom and the Blurb software. With the new integration, this has been eliminated.
I have been working on a book from our trip last summer to the Grand Canyon area. I wanted to create a book with pictures from not only my camera but my two sons. I used Lightroom 4.0 to organize the photos based on location. Once I had accomplished that, it was really easy to create the book. What’s interesting when you create a book with Lightroom 4.0 is that LR will create a collection for the book. You simply drag photos into the new collection. In the Book module, the photos are tagged how many times they are used in the book. This makes it easy to identify which photos still need to be placed in the book.
The key advantage to me in using the Book module is the ease of going back to the Development module and making changes. Previous to LR 4, you have go back into LR, make changes and export the image back into the Blurb software.
Try it out, I think you will like what your see.
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